4 Mandatory Campaigns Needed To Grow Any Business [With Examples]
Many gurus and business consultant will want you to believe that you need 27 complicated marketing funnels and 352 promotions a year to build a strong stable business. But if you will take a look at most big successful businesses carefully you will find that growing a scalable business merely means repeating the same four…
Three Things Needed To Make Money Online
Hello is me, Lee Fuller, and today I want to give you the three things you need to make money okay, it’s not as difficult as people make it seem. You just need three things to make money online. Number One – You need People. You need people (aka a Market) that are interested enough in…
How To Stop Losing 68% of Your Customers?
Did you know that the average business loses 68% of their customers unnecessarily! Perhaps this could explain why such a high percentage of small businesses shut down and go out of business each and every year. But that doesn’t have to be you. In this simple article I will show you, why businesses are losing…
Create a Strategic Sales Process For Your Business
Here is a walkthrough of your strategic sales process worksheet. This exercise will help you begin to think more strategically about your business and will help get clear on what needs to be a part of your order sequence.
Three Parts of A Small Business Website
The Three Parts of A Small Business Website Over the years as a website developer, I have met some people that want a website but are not sure of what makes up a website, how the pieces work together, and what is the price of the website. So today I will give you the 3…

Dominate Your Local Small Business Listings
Improve Your Small Business Marketing…Don’t be invisible online. Watch the video to see how to increase your site listing. Visit www.GetListed.org and place your name in the search bar, and enter your zip-code. Identify the directories that need the most attention and start from there. You will need to have the following things on hand…

Here Is How Your Small Business Should Integrate Mobile
Did you know that Americans spend an average of three hours per day on the Internet from their mobile devices? Virtually everyone has a mobile phone today, that includes your customers! And chances are they keep their phones within arm’s reach over 90 percent of waking hours. Have you developed a plan for how you…

Profitable Website Training Video
Press Play To Begin the Website Presentation In this presentation you will see how important your small business website is to lasting success in the local market place and you will hear what are the most important functions of your small business website.

Essentials of a Small Business Web Design Plan
Do you have the Essentials of a Small Business Web Design Plan Covered? Developing your small business web design plan can make a huge impact on the amount of revenue that you can generate from your website. Although many small business have a website it is sometimes obvious that most did not have a plan…

Mobile Website + SMS Texting = More Clients
Did you know that Americans spend an average of three hours per day on the Internet from their mobile devices? Virtually everyone has a mobile phone today, that includes your customers! And chances are they keep their phones within arm’s reach over 90 percent of waking hours. Have you developed a plan for how you…